About Me

Dr. Walker received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Manitoba and has been registered with the Psychological Association of Manitoba since 2001. She has extensive experience in providing therapy services to adults, and provides treatment for a range of clinical difficulties including:

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Self-esteem

  • Workplace concerns

  • Assistance with disability management and return to work planning

  • Coping with chronic illness and pain

  • Grief

  • Relationship issues

In her work with clients, Dr. Walker utilizes various evidence based strategies tailored to meet the individuals’ needs and assist with the difficulties that they are experiencing.  

Strategies included in therapy are:

  • Cognitive and Behavioral Strategies (CBT)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Mindfulness based strategies

An important goal of therapy is to assist clients with building and strengthening their coping skills “toolbox” over time in order that they feel progressively more confident that they have the tools and strategies to meet various challenges going forward.   Prior to an initial meeting, you will be requested to complete a questionnaire pertaining to background and historical information.

Important information regarding private psychological services:

  1. Fees for private psychological services are not covered by Manitoba Health, but these fees may be covered by a private health insurance plan (e.g., Blue Cross).  Please check your insurance plan to determine if you have coverage for private psychological services and if you require a physician recommendation in order to reimbursed for the cost of services.  Please check with your plan as coverage varies across insurance providers.

  2. Fees for services follow the guidelines of the Manitoba Psychological Society and are $200.00 / 50 min. session. Effective Jan. 01, 2023, private psychologists fees will be increasing to $215.00/50 minute session.

  3. Fees are payable at the time of the session, and may be paid by credit card or debit.  A receipt will be provided, which can be forwarded to an insurance plan for reimbursement or may be used for income tax purposes.

  4. At the time of the initial appointment, policies regarding confidentiality and its exceptions and regarding cancellation and rescheduling will be reviewed.  

  5. Typically, the first 1–2 sessions are focused on obtaining information in order to best understand each persons’ situation and concerns.  Following this, a plan for therapy can be developed (e.g., including goals for therapy, beneficial strategies).  

To meet with Dr. Walker, you may either self-refer and contact her directly or contact your family physician for a referral.

***** At the current time, services are available in-person or virtually (via telephone or using a secure video platform).  For any in-person meetings, all MB Health recommendations are followed (e.g., regarding mask use at all times, maintaining physical distancing).