
Approach to therapy

My goals are to help clients understand the situational challenges they face as well as the longer term historical factors that impact on their well-being and how they are coping in the situation. There are several steps that are integral to therapy, including formulating realistic goals, identifying concrete and achievable steps to attain those goals, and identifying meaningful values to guide the change process. This understanding is used to help clients develop and practice healthy coping strategies that assist with managing symptoms and with living a valued life.

My work incorporates a number of evidence based therapies, including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behavior Therapy (MiCBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Therapy involves a commitment to work at change over time. Change requires practice of adaptive and healthy strategies along with patience and self-compassion while pursuing gradual changes.

Concerns that can be addressed in therapy

Therapy can address:

  • Depression

  • Dysthymia

  • Anxiety problems, including:

    • Panic attacks/panic disorder

    • Social anxiety

    • Generalized anxiety

    • Health related anxiety

    • Posttraumatic stress

  • Managing healthy lifestyle behaviors

  • Stress management

  • Self-esteem concerns

  • Chronic pain/Pain management

  • Return to work

  • Disability management

  • Relationship concerns